Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chii overload..

As chii is overloaded by personas, I'm overloaded by World Cup!

Well I'm back.. life has been hard, frustrated and unimaginable sadness.. *lebay*
Poor my Ksathriya is hacked by Virtue, you bad boy! >,< but nodame moe kyuuun nee san persona?! hack it anyday! XDD
This is suppose to fix voice only, but why end up with persona, i dont know.. -_- hahaha XDD

I made few mistakes during photo editing -_- and should've put some notion effect like something hacking into the system (_ _) So much of a programmer I am..

The gold marking on Kshatriya chest already wore off, cause i haven't seal with top coat.. need to redo again.. I'm still waiting for the decals first before finish everything..

but then, I'm pretty busy these days.. still haven't touch my latest gunpla >,<
Well, I finally managed to produce something during this hectic world cup days! :D 3 games daily really take all your free time away.. All Asian teams has been knocked off by now :( I'm supporting Ghana now XD *finger crossed*

Lets enjoy this festive world cup moment! Till next taimu! ^^/


  1. The most fun of all! XD Go Germany! *nyari musuh*
    Why cat, eh? >:3

  2. should've put fading effects on exia hands, when he smacked virtue.

    *moga namanya gak kebalik :P*

  3. Whoahaha, really lol at the scene where Exia punch Virtue *poor you my keeyoot Virtue* :p

    And I liked the new banner *just noticed* XD

  4. like arashi said: why germany? and why england?
    kan udah lewat pertandingannya XD

    ihik belanda...

  5. eh, you turned to Ghana? XDDD

    Ookaaaay, this is really entertaining,
    nice job~~ ^_^/

  6. Chu, becos many of u like cat nyaaa.. :3

    Shin, maksudnya efek di sensor ya? Bener juga sih..

    Wichan, hehe komik bgt ya XD thx for the banner comment ya :)

    Jumjum, becos there's never too late for revenge..>:D *virtue persona on*

    Raven, thank u for reading myaaa.. *cats paw*

  7. no not censored, but effect like slow motion when hitting.

    just like DT timewalk :D, but instead of the whole body, it's only exia hand :p

  8. Shin, ooh efek speed trailing :D

    Rouge, welcome2x, sankyuu :D

  9. *late comment

    I like nodame personaaaa

    chiaki senpaaaiii ♥

  10. *late comment part 2

    yaaah, virtue tambah dendam deh,
    gamparan maut exia...

  11. @late spammer
    hehe dah ga dendam keknya.. dah terbalaskan (kali) :D

  12. aih.. udah lama ga kemari.. *nyari tempat duduk nunggu episode baru*
    2 eps terakhir lucu nihh hehehe.. kasihannya chii dijadikan kelinci balas dendamnya virtue XD
    hayooo semangattt... mana lanjutannyaaaa *nagih* hahaha

  13. waah webmasternya aja dah lupa hahaha XD
    jadi sedih.. T_T
    skrg saya butuh belajar kage bunshin dulu biar bisa bikin cerita lagi :-\

    thanks kk Veey :) saya memang lucu sih *tersenyum simpul*

  14. Nyaaa~ Love the new banner and is that... Tamama??

    Virtue remains my fave ^^

    Ganbatte with RL ne?

  15. hehe yes that's tamama :D i got only him now..

    Arigatou ne Nik-san.. actually pls check my teh other blog ^^
    that's where my new post is.. :)



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